10 Year Review: Small-scale – The People Betrayed
With fish and fish products being one of the most lucrative traded food commodities worldwide the fishing industry in South Africa WAS a vibrant, dynamic and vital contributor to the South African economy and...
10 Year Review: Politics, Prospects and Possibilities
Politics, prospects and possibilities. 2018 was filled with drama, leadership stability issues, court cases and the progress of small scale fisheries allocations. The question is what can we expect in 2019? JEREMY MARILLIER had this to say before he left FishSA.
10 Year Review. Legal View on Rights Allocations
This is an apt medium in which to review recent developments and topical issues relating to the granting of fishing rights both recently and in the future.
The 2016 rights allocations (FRAP 2016) were of...
10 Year Review: Science – What Can The Industry Expect?
Over the past few years, the fishing industry’s has become increasingly concerned about the capacity both within and outside government to conduct the research that is necessary to ensure the sustainability of South Africa’s...
10 Year Review: 2019 A Watershed Year
Few people in the fishing industry will underestimate the importance of 2019. The year in which the application process for the allocation of long-term rights across 12 fisheries is expected to kick off. Conservative estimates have put the wholesale value of the rights to be allocated in the Fishing Rights Allocation Process of 2020 (FRAP 2020) at around R132-billion over 15 years. The stakes are very high. Not only for fishing companies and aspirant right-holders, but also for the thousands of people who depend on fishing for their livelihoods, particularly in the Western Cape, writes TERENCE BROWN.
10 Year Review : Southern African Shipyards Expands Offering
Southern African Shipyards, a ship builder and one of the largest vessel repairers in the region, is now turning its attention to the fishing industry. In 2018 the Durban-based yard realised that there was a very real need to provide a valuable service to fishing trawlers in need of emergency repairs and those due for their standard two-year survey dry docking.
10 Year Review: The Future Of The Fisheries In An Ideal World
From the beginning of the 1990’s, with the anticipation of the coming changes to our overall society, a considerable degree of uncertainty as to future developments led to confusion in so many government departments....
10 Year Review: Squid Sector, A Decade Of Effort At Sea
The development of the squid industry over the past 10 years is reflected in the ups and downs experienced by this sector but there has been progress.
2013 Milestones
The commercial fishing industry was pleased to hear that a new Deputy Director General for Fisheries in the form of Greta Apelgren-Narkedien, had been appointed to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Her arrival heralded a flurry of welcome activity in the first quarter of 2013.
2016 Milestones
The fishing year 2016 was dominated by fishing right allocations. Siphokazi Ndudane was formally appointed Fisheries DDG after two years in the job and her “to do” list included gearing the Fisheries branch up for the allocation of rights across nine important fisheries (and fish processing establishments) in 2015/2016 as well as resolving the administrative nightmare of the failed FRAP 2013.