Corporate Scandals. Pescanova SA Top Brass Cited in Legal Suit


Astute, admirable, and affable, are attributes ascribed to Robert Williams, the South African business heavyweight and director of bankrupt Pescanova SA, who has, along with other company executives, been cited in a EUR 52.06 million legal suit over monies owing a major stakeholder.

Williams has been an independent director of the Spanish fishing giant since 1993, one of six “insiders” on the 13-member main board; though his impressive business pedigree extends far beyond to include executive roles in a remarkable number of South African companies.

He is a former chair of Tiger Brands Limited, the C G Smith Foods Group and Illovo Sugar previously, a director on the boards of Illovo and Oceana Group Limited, First Rand Limited and Nampak Limited, and managing director of Barlow Manufacturing Company, national president of the Institute of Marketing Management and in 1986, South Africa’s Marketing Man of the Year – among others.

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