The foundation stone for Mozambique’s newest fishing port, Angoche, has been laid. The port, which is expected to be operational by the end of 2026, is another signal of the government’s commitment to infrastructure development in order to become more regionally competitive. Mozambique’s strategy is to provide a competitive alternative to South Africa’s traditional logistic…
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Millions on the Line as Braxton Shipping Continues to Fight Prejudice
One wonders why new entrants into the fishing industry even bother. There are many stories of the uphill battles they have in getting the...
The Fine Line Between African Penguin Conservation and Commerce
It’s a fine line between conservation and commerce. Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Dr Dion George, has moved quickly to implement agreed...
UP Whale Unit Plans Move to Hermanus
A new South African Whale Centre is planned for Hermanus, the whale capital of South Africa. It will house the Whale Unit of the...
Avian Flu Confirmed on Marion Island
The presence of high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus in six bird species on Marion Island has been confirmed.
According to the Department of...