Heading to Any Seafood Expos? Did You Know There’s A New Seafood Traceability Website?

Atlantis Foods brand, Breco Seafood Masters Timna Sele, Jabulile Makhanya and Amyna Salomo are aspiring young chefs who had the chance to showcase their culinary skills at a seafood-inspired cook-off held in Cape Town towards the end of August 2023. This was an innovative way to stimulate interest among young people to learn and become skilled in preparing and cooking seafood products. Not just any products, but those sourced sustainably and where correct food safety procedures are followed. Photo supplied

The Barcelona Seafood Expo takes place later this month and as Europe counts as amongst South Africa and Namibia’s largest markets, it will be interesting to know what value adding is being achieved to develop new seafood products. The Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability will also be there and wants you to know about its new website.

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