Avoiding Aquafailure to Feed the World

Spotlight on Africa and World Aquaculture
Sorting mussels in Saldanha Bay. Photo: Stock

Thinktank Planet Tracker has released its latest report which highlights the pressing need to move towards regenerative aquaculture. The comprehensive report paints a current picture of the global aquaculture industry, offers some interesting statistics, and identifies innovations in cultivated seafood production. It makes for absorbing reading and is definitely food for thought.

“It was supposed to be a remedy” says thinktank, Planet Tracker, which recently released a report titled “Avoiding Aquafailure”.

Globally, aquaculture generates more seafood than wild capture fishing, but the number of key species is just 20, produced by 10 countries. The key species are named as Seaweed, Carp, Oysters, Whiteleg Shrimp, Tilapia, Milkfish, Catla, Catfish, Tiger Prawn, Roho, Kelp, Wakame, Laver (Nori), Elkhorn sea moss, Mullets, Cyprinids, Atlantic Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Coho Salmon, and Chilean Mussel. Miscellaneous freshwater fish also get a look in but the species are unspecified.

Countries responsible for producing key species on this list are China, Indonesia, India, VietNam, Bangladesh, South Korea, Philippines, Egypt, Norway, and Chile. These 10 countries accounted for 89% of total production volume in 2020, with China accounting for 57% of that figure.

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