‘Green Choice’ Fish Products Fresh From the Farm

Siyazama Cooperative and the Hamburg community works with Kingfish Enterprises to on-grow the oyster juveniles in the Keiskamma Estuary to market size. Photo supplied

‘Green Choice’ fish products fresh from the farm have been finding their way on to Woolworths‘ shelves countrywide, thanks to the aquaculture investment in Kingfish Enterprises in the Eastern Cape.

Kingfish Enterprises, the largest land-based marine fish farm in South Africa, is located in the East London Special Economic Zone. The company specialises in producing high-quality Yellowtail, Kob (Kabeljou) and Pacific Oyster juveniles.

It’s fact that many have tried and failed at marine aquaculture in South Africa. But it is different for Kingfish Enterprises which attributes it success to date to the strong expertise and experienced personnel who have developed and manage the systems and technology required.

In addition, the company has been able to raise long-term capital, enabling it to grow and to reach full capacity in 2024.

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