Review. A 20-year History of South Africa’s Commercial Abalone Industry (Part 1 of 7)

A typical imbizo scene in 2004. The public meetings were always very well attended and could take hours while the Minister and Department officials valiantly tried to listen and answer questions. Photo: Stock

This Review tracks a 20-year history of South Africa’s commercial abalone industry. For ease of reading the content is broken down into seven articles. It is based on reporting in both the print issue of Fishing Industry News Southern Africa and this platform. There are most certainly gaps, and throughout the years we strived to be as accurate as possible. What it does provide is a picture of the commercial abalone industry’s development, responses, trends, and outlook. It has some humour, and some of it is not comfortable reading. Nor is it for free! It has taken a long time to compile this series of articles and some support will be appreciated. If you are not already a subscriber, please buy a R50 subscription.

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