Where to Draw the Line Between Recreational and Subsistence Inland Fisheries

Jozini Dam in Pongola. When this photograph was taken in 2016, the dam was only 40% full as the region struggled through a protracted drought.

The blurring of lines between recreational and subsistence inland fisheries has led to a group of researchers contributing to a new academic paper about this topic.

Published last month, the new research paper is titled “Overturning stereotypes: The fuzzy boundary between recreational and subsistence inland fisheries“.

It follows on the publication of The National Freshwater (Inland) Wild Capture Fisheries Policy in the Government Gazette (Notice 45954), for implementation on 24 February 2022. The intention of the Policy is to provide a national legal framework for the promotion and regulation of inland freshwater fisheries across all provinces. Freshwater Inland Fisheries Policy Approved for Implementation

In short, as is specified in the Policy, “the inland fisheries policy is thus designed to promote equity of access and empowerment of historically disadvantaged groups to participate in inland fisheries value chains.”

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