Stain on The Horizon. Ocean Acidification Could Be Killing Sodwana Bay Corals

Stain on the horizon. Ocean acidification could be killing Sodwana corals
The rising acidity of the oceans threatens coral reefs. Photo: Stock

Ocean acidification is believed to be the cause of the decrease in the covering of soft coral at a long-term reef monitoring site at Sodwana Bay on the KwaZulu-Natal east coast. Scientists say the decrease is about of 20% over the past 20 years, a rate of 1% a year. When this article was first published in 2018, Sean Porter from the Oceanographic Research Institute (ORI) shared some information about some of the organisation’s findings. In an update he reports that the ORI recently undertook its first WIOMSA-funded ocean acidification monitoring field trip to Sodwana Bay.

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