Letter. The Failure of FRAP 2020. Incompetence or Political Expediency?


You are, unfortunately, more likely to squeeze water out of a stone than obtain any information out of Branch Fisheries, an independent Department in the Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment (DFFE), under Minister Barbara Creecy. Nobody answers the phone, nor responds to an email, and Telkom will tell you that “the customer requests their number is withheld.”

One excuse offered by someone close to them, was that they were all too busy carrying out the Minister’s order that all work on the already two year delayed FRAP (Fishing Rights Allocation Process) decisions had to be completed by year end! Though this for political expediency may still happen, in terms of the relevant existing legislation it should be a complete impossibility. But then, does our mainly dysfunctional Government and its Departments ever worry about the inconvenience of legislation, let alone the Constitution?  

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