Water Security and Sources. The Lifeblood for All


Water security is an imperative. As a young girl in the very early 1980s, there was a severe drought in the KwaZulu Natal region of South Africa. Our family was what I would call “water stressed”. Eight of us under one roof could only use a maximum of 400 litres a day (50 litres per person). This had to be used for drinking water, the washing machine/dish washer, the showers, and toilets. We learnt very quickly to re-use the grey water and not to flush the toilets until we absolutely had to. TRACY

For communities living on or near dams, rivers, and estuaries, this is often their only access to water or fish species. Dams, rivers and estuaries also provide a source of entertainment for recreational fishers and their families. It stands to reason they need to be pristine.

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