RTO Technology. Keeping the Whiff Away

rto process
A diagram of a typical regenerative thermal oxidisation (RTO) process used in a fish meal plant. Source: Supplier

Air quality control is a challenge for any company that has fish meal and oil reduction infrastructure. Afro Fishing realises it is imperative to adhere to the South African government’s new stringent air quality regulations or face the risk of its new venture at Mossel Bay being shut down.

Traditionally fish meal and oil reduction plants are situated at small harbours. In South Africa the stench in Hout Bay, Gansbaai and St Helena Bay on the west coast gives them away. Mossel Bay’s one and only offal processing plant situated outside the town has just been shut down for the same reason. The public’s main complaint is that they are smelly to the point where residents can some days barely breathe.

Afro Fishing Expansion. Socio-Economic Positives Outweigh Negatives

It’s not just a local problem and elsewhere there are examples of where new and modern technology can make a huge difference. It is this technology that Afro Fishing wants to bring to South Africa.

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